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DJ's til Dusk: Jon Tye & Friends

  • Garrison Gallery Maker Heights Cornwall UK (map)

Jon Tye / Ocean Moon Group, by now if you don’t know what to expect from this evening then It’s due time you popped up for a look see. Jon Tye, established in the industry for over 2 decades with multiple projects from the revered Seasawks to the aforementioed Ocean Moon Group, a pioneer of the sononous, the experiemental and what has been dubbed ‘Loud Ambient’. A record collection deep and winding and with moe tha a few surprises. Unique taste and a mastery of the form really do make this a special night to look forward to. In terms of creating a vibe i very much doubt theres anyone more at home than Jon Tye himself.

Bring ya friends, grab a lavish-yet-affordable handcrafted cocktail, or perhaps one of our rolling range of locally sourced brews. Whilst you enjoy a tipple, cast yours eyes upon our selection of beautifully curated art-adorned walls. Jazz Mango takes care of the rest. Toe tappers guarenteed.

Should the journey home feel a lil too much, Camping is available via the Maker Camp website, and have no fear The Canteen opens at 9:30am for coffee and breakfast.

See you up the hill

Tap here for more details, or to book a table.